It doesn't just pertain to the beautiful or not so beautiful day that you are happening to have. It can also pertain to friends and to family or those that we interact with in a daily or routine or not so routine basis. Oh life. Don't you just love it. There are so many different options in this life. . . We can be a Fair weather person.. or we can be commmitted regardless of what is going on about us. We should not get fair weather people confused with maniuplating and mean people. Some can appear to be oh so sweet to begile you into their trap. . . only for you to be held captive and controlled. The black widow does this to her prey. As do some women to unsuspecting young men.
Choices, there are many in this life. We can choose good from evil. I think these are probably the very basic places where it all starts in those other choices. We do not knowingly start out in the morning and say "OH, I am going to choose Evil today over good". I don't believe that we do that. I think the almighty dark one is sly and knows that we are not that easily persuaded... nope, it all begins in tiny steps. Oh just once wont hurt, no one will notice or In someone feeling hurt, seeking revenge or just to ease the pain of mis - trust. ahhh.. how easily we become sucked into one poor choice and then another and another and then before you know it.. it may appear that we are evil.
Of course, I am not speaking of myself. That could never be me. Just the thought of seeking revenge for a mis-deed of another brings about guilt on my part for the very thought of desiring revenge.. without even plotting or devising a plan. Some say that "Karma" will justify the ill doings of another. Where or where is Karma? Perhaps they are correct, and perhaps we can avail ourselves of the atonement of Christ. Knowing that all that is wrong on this earth will be corrected in the next life. Knowing that there are spiritual laws that will be upheld..Oh the thoughts that I am thinking today. I am grateful for the atonement of Christ! I love my savior!!
I love to smile. It's very difficult for me to not be an open book and honest with all that I meet. I can't refrain from smiling. Being a nurse, I once was interrupted in a middle of a procedure in which I was wearing a respritatory mask. At the door was The receptionist who when I answered the door made the comment to others in the hallways , that she couldn't believe it.. "Look, her eyes are smiling". Ok. I love to smile and do it with my whole being. I don't understand mean people or those who are manipulating and controlling. I need to move on to higher thoughts tomorrow. I refuse to let others control me or my thoughts. Isn't it a beautiful day today! Perfect!!!
Cinco de Mayo Bar Tour
5 years ago