Saturday, April 3, 2010

Snow and Rain on Easter Weekend

Does anyone imagine Easter with snow and rain? Well, you know that if its also LDS General Conference anything can happen, and that Conference ususally arrives with Rain. Doesn't matter what any weather man predicts, the rain WILL Arrive during Conference weekend.

It's been a very stressful month. My brother and his wife had their third baby 10 weeks early. Baby is still in the NICU unit and failing to thrive. Some of that is typical, but I still worry about the little tyke.

General Conference messages have been very enlightening and comforting. I am praying for more comfort as the stress of all the above, and there is so much more, that I just don't dare mention, but the stress has lowered my immune system, along with being on some medications that cause immune suppression and I have managed to come down with a very painful sinus infection.

The thought that comes to mind after a very stressful month is that We reap what we sow! It's a great lesson. Today so many people expect so much from others without expecting anything out of themselves!

1 comment:

  1. Gwen,

    I love your blog! I will be back for more updates. :-)

    Melissa Nielsen
