Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter Break

For Spring break we took Fuzuki and Eve and the family to Arches National Park. Fuzuki chose the site since she will be leaving and returning to Japan in approx 5 more weeks.  We had a most enjoyable time.  We picked a hotel in Green River which made the cost of lodging 1/2 of the price of staying in Moab. We had a great time and the 40 minute drive between Green River and the park wasn't that far at all. Well worth the savings.

Now if you go to Green River, Utah do not miss eating at Cathys Pizza and Pasta. I believe that was the name of the little place. They delivered the most wonderful pizza, well worth the money, which wasn't bad either. I think it was just shy of $20. Plus they deliverd to our hotel room after a day of hiking the park. They even included disposable plates and napkins.

There just isn't anything in the world like Arches National Park. There is a wonderful spirit there. I love history and there is plenty of that there as well. The hiking can be quite tiresome, but if you just go slow, anyone can do it. If I can do it... anyone can do it!!

We had a little incident with a young man who was visiting our foreign exchange student in our home right before we left on this little trip. That was the only distraction for us. Other than that we had the most wonderful trip. The weather was very cool, much better than our last trip there which was last August. It was much better for hiking. We didn't need as much water and we could hike much faster than in the heat of mid to later summer temperatures.

This trip we hiked into Devils Garden, to Landscape arch, it was absolutely beautiful!  It was just shy of a 2 mile hike round trip.  Not bad, it had up and down hills, some sand, which is always a little tougher to walk in but we did just fine. I always get worried hiking, wondering if I get out there in the boonies, will I be able to walk out.. or will my poor husband have to call the helicopter to airlift me out, if I get too winded with my asthma. But we did just great!.

I'm hoping for a trip to Yellowstone if at all possible before she leaves for Japan. Not sure it will happen, but if we can I hope that it is something that we can do this year.

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